Our History as Hawaii’s Premier Solar Power Company

Originally ProVision Solar Inc. was incorporated as ProVision Technologies, Inc. in 1998 under Hawaiian Electric Industries to take advantage of the growing market for photovoltaic (PV) applications across the Hawaiian Islands. In 2003, Marco Mangelsdorf, one of ProVision’s original employees, and his childhood friend, Douglas Bath, purchased ProVision from HEI and have been at the helm ever since. Our roots are nourished by doing right for you, our valued customers, our ProVision ohana, Hawai’i nei and the planet. You will be working with industry leaders who have been in the renewable energy field since the 1970s.

Marco & Doug on Hilo Ford dealership roof

Today ProVision is headquartered in Hilo on the Big Island of Hawai’i, the island known for its geographical diversity and strong potential for renewable energy. ProVision Solar serves the Hawai’i community by providing premier solar electric systems for homes, businesses, non-profit agencies and government buildings. We are Hawai’i’s first pure PV company and we are locally-owned neighbors who can be trusted. We are committed to providing you with the best service and affordable pricing. We add value to your clean energy purchase by providing customer education, best design practices and an array of financing options .

The ProVision employees are committed to providing you with the highest quality products and unparalleled service. We are a fully licensed and insured electrical contractor (C-13), the only Hawai’i state contractor license classification which can obtain the necessary electrical permits to install PV systems from start to finish. While we are licensed to do all types of general electrical work, we have chosen to focus exclusively on installing PV systems.